Klenco Full Cycle Floor Pads

KLENCO’s new range of floor pads are made of the highest quality materials for superior cleaning performance and greater durability. From stripping, scrubbing, and buffing tiled floors to surface cleaning carpets and crystallizing stone floors, this range of floor pads does it all. These pads are made from 100% recycled PET plastic and specially formulated to biodegrade in a fraction of the time that it takes conventional floor pads. They also leave no toxins or toxic remnants in the environment and methane, a by-product that occurs during the biodegradation process, can be captured, and converted into energy where facilities exist. Klenco’s floor pads are designed to last longer, do the job faster, prolong the life of floor coatings, and protect your machinery. They are the perfect cleaning pads to use with auto scrubbers and burnishers. Strip, scrub, polish, and clean dirt and scuff marks, including black heel marks on the floor. Their resilient, open construction allows the pads to produce the ultimate performance when used with machines.