Green Seal Certified Products

Porko Natural Burnishing Floor Pad

Porko Natural Burnishing Floor Pad - Cleaning Tools & Supplies

The Porko Natural burnishing floor pad is constructed of blended polyester and natural fibers in a textured, nonwoven fabrication. The Porko Natural floor maintenance UHS burnishing floor pad is constructed of blended polyester and natural fibers in a textured, nonwoven fabrication. This product is made with Full Cycle® technology.

Product Details:

Certified Since: 2017
Brand: Full Cycle
SKU: 300101, 301101, 401707, 401709, 401710, 401711, 401712, 401713, 401714, 40171420, 40171424, 40171428, 40171432, 401715, 401716, 401717, 401718, 401719, 401720, 401721, 401722, 401723, 401724, 401727, 401728, 401731, 401737, 401747, 401756, 401757, 401758, 401759, 401774, 401780, 401790, 401791, 401792, 401794, 451095